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  • Please keep / keeps / kept / on the shirt. I don't like it.
  • She never speaks / is speaking / spoke about her future.
  • He had just done / has just done / have just done his homework. He can go out now.
    has just done
  • We met / are meeting / were meeting them at a restaurant last week.
  • Has / Had / Did your dog ever bite / bit / bitten anyone ?
    Has / bitten
  • She never hears / has never heard anything about his past yet.
    has never heard
  • He has just thrown / had just thrown a glass on the floor.
    has just thrown
  • Where have you spent / did you spend your last holiday ?
    did you spend
  • As soon as he had finished his homework he runs / ran / has run out to play.
  • Our cows gave / have given / were giving more milk recently.
    have given
  • What did you think/ do you think of your new boyfriend?
    do you think
  • The exercise book cost/ is costing/ costs 17 $.
  • The sun has set / had set before I go / went to bed.
    had set / went
  • Last night I sleep / was sleeping / slept in my bed for the first time.
  • In the past two years she becomes / became / has become a very nice person.
    has become
  • The ball hits / hit / was hitting me on the head and I went to the ground.
  • She was lying in her bed when the phone rings / is ringing / rang.
  • It was hot yesterday. The children go / are going / went swimming.
  • She used to deal with furniture but now she deal/ deals/ is dealing with cars.
    is dealing
  • During the war they shot / has shot / had shot many people.
  • I show / will show / will have show you my new house next week.
    will show
  • I will read / will be reading /will have read the contents of the contract tomorrow.
    will read
  • Since his departure to France I haven't heard / didn't hear / hadn't heard any news from him.
    haven't heard
  • My friend didn't see / hasn't seen / hadn't seen me for many years when I met him last week.
    hadn't seen