
Family and Family: Review

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  • ______________(THIS IS/THESE ARE) my eyes.
    These are my eyes.
  • In my lunch box...
    In my lunch box I've got a sandwich, I've got an orange and I've got a drink. I haven't got an apple.
  • This is _____ (HIS/HER) dress.
    This is her dress.
  • ______________(THIS IS/THESE ARE) his green trousers.
    These are his green trousers.
  • Can you say 3 words that begin with ''V''?
    van, vet, volcano, vanilla, etc.
  • This is _________ (MY/YOUR) car.
    This is your car.
  • Can you spell UNCLE?
    U - N - C - L - E
  • Can you spell CARDIGAN?
    C - A - R - D - I - G - A - N
  • What's this?
    It's a puzzle.
  • These are my __________.
    These are my shoulders.
  • Who is she?
    She's a housewife.
  • I've got ___________.
    I've got an apple.
  • What family member is he?
    He's a cousin.
  • What's this?
    It's a bookcase.
  • Is he a pilot?
    No, he isn't.
  • Can you say 3 words that begin with ''C''?
    cat, cardigan, car, colour, cakes, etc.
  • Who is he?
    He's a zookeeper.
  • ___________ (THIS IS/THESE ARE) my nose.
    This is my nose.
  • What part of the house is this?
    This is the dining room.
  • Whose umbrella is this?
    This is grandma's umbrella.
  • In my lunch box ________________________.
    In my lunch box I've got a banana.
  • This is __________ (MY/YOUR) bag.
    This is my bag.
  • These are my _________.
    These are my toes.
  • ____________________ a sandwich.
    I haven't got a sandwich.