
Past continuous

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  • They_____(dance) when the dog_____(jump) on the sofa.
    They were dancing when the dog jumped on the sofa.
  • Past continuous
    He was reading a book.
  • Past continuous
    She was eating.
  • They_____(play) tennis when it_____(start) to snow.
    They were playing tennis when it started to rain.
  • Past continuous
    They were swimming.
  • Past continuous
    They were running
  • Past continuous
    He was riding a bike.
  • Past continuous
    They were playing the guitar.
  • He_____(eat) when the his father ____ (arrive) home.
    He was eating when his father arrived home.
  • He____(not listen) when the teacher____(give) the homework.
    He wasn't listening when the teacher gave the homework.
  • Past continuous
    She was playing the guitar
  • It_____(rain) when I ____(close) the window.
    It was raining when I closed the window.
  • Past continuous
    She was sleeping.
  • I______(sing) when my mum_____(open) the door.
    I was singing when my mum opened the door.
  • Past continuous
    They were playing football.
  • Past continuous
    They were eating.