
Best job in the world

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  • How was the headset?
  • What did Elli see in the last film?
    A warm and cozy room with a fireplace, a cat on the sofa, lots of books, a desk with a computer, lots of sheets of paper, a mug of hot chocolate and a plate ...
  • How can the Life List help you?
    it can help you choose a job.
  • What was Elli's father's job?
  • What did Ellie see first on the screen?
    a Life List
  • Why was the firefighter film boring?
    Because there was no fire, no excitement and no race through the streets on a fire engine
  • Does Elli know what she wants to be when she grows up?
    At first no, then she thinks being an author is interesting.
  • why does Elli think being a trawler can be exciting?
    because he goes out to sea every day
  • Where was the firefighter in the movie?
    in a garage
  • Why does Elli feel sick?
    the boat in the trawler movie keeps on moving
  • How does the Life List work?
    A doctor wore a head camera for 24 hours. It filmed everything they did, so you can see and hear it too.