
High Resolution 4 Unit 5 review

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  • Jonah is unemployment/unemployed at the moment.
  • They fight for a fair distribution of wealth/wealthy in the world.
  • There __________ an increase in gasoline prices soon, but it has not been confirmed yet.
    might be
  • In 50 years' time, there _________ electric cars everywhere.
    there will/might be
  • Complete with the correct form of "be able to": After he gave me the key, I __________ get in the house and get some sleep.
    was able to
  • "Because" or "because of"? Daniel was worried __________ there was a rise in his rent.
  • How do we call a system in which people get a public bike at one point, use it and leave it at another point for other people to use?
    A bike sharing scheme/system
  • How do we call an exclusive area for bikes on roads?
    a cycle lane
  • What natural disaster is this?
  • What natural disaster is this?
    Oil spill
  • Complete with the correct form of "be able to": You have to _________ do the work in the required time.
    be able to
  • Cars and factory farms cause serious harm to the environment/environmental.
  • "Because" or "because of"?Olivia decided to quit ________ her new boss.
    because of
  • "Because" or "because of"? _________ his broken leg, he had to cancel the trip.
    Because of
  • After analyzing the movement of the clouds, meteorologists say there ___________ a storm.
    is going to be / will be
  • Complete with the correct form of "be able to": I have never ____________ talk to anyone about this.
    been able to