
14.07.2021 B1+

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  • We paid for the car in monthly ................... (ratach) over two years.
  • a place where people who live in an area can meet each other and play sports, take classes
    community center
  • I don't know how did it cost.
    I don't know how much he cost.
  • It was the most great show what I saw.
    It was the greatest show that I have ever seen.
  • You mentioned about some names.
    You mentioned some names.
  • Every person must be responsibility for their life.
    Every person must be responsible for their life.
  • He ................ (odziedziczył) a fortune from his grandmother.
  • I remember it very good.
    I remember it very well.
  • The bill for dinner was ................. (much too large).
  • You need to have a lot of time when you prepare food by your own.
    You need to have a lot of time when you prepare food on your own.
  • I ............. (pomachałam) to/at him from the window but he didn't see me.
  • I must waitng in a queue.
    I must wait in a queue.
  • I go to concerts one time for a month.
    I go to concerts once a month.
  • a person who likes spending time at home rather than going out with friends or travelling to different places
  • My friend which got married is in my age.
    My friend who got married is my age.
  • Each unit of the course book focuses ............. a different grammar point.
  • The length of time spent exercising depends ............. the sport you are training for.