
Review Texts 1-5 Camouflage book

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  • Unscramble the word. ( s o f i h r g f)
  • live / Caterpillars / leaves. / on
    Caterpillars live on leaves.
  • What does a mother gazelle hide?
    The mother gazelle hides its baby.
  • Unscramble the word. ( a l e s)
  • When does the snow melt?
    The snow melt in summer.
  • Unscramble the word. ( e g l z a l e)
  • What colour is the mother harp seal?
    The mother harp seal is gray.
  • Unscramble the word ( i g e r t)
  • What do animals use to hide?
    They use camouflage.
  • There's / winter. / of / in / snow / lots
    There's lots of snow in winter.
  • Unscramble the word. ( s o r g u e )
  • How does the leafy sea dragon use camouflage?
    The leafy sea dragon looks like a plant.
  • fast. / can / Gazelles / very / run
    Gazelles can run very fast.