
Speech Group

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  • Use 2 sentences to describe this picture.
  • Flooding caused water to ACCUMULATE in Harry’s basement.
    pile up, collect
  • The room was so CONGESTED with people that no one could move.
    over flowing, clogged
  • She knew ZILCH about camping, so when she was asked to help put up the tent she fumbled with poles.
    nothing, zero
  • A girl dragged her towel and tube on the road as she walked home from the swimming pool because she was too tired to carry it. She had swam really hard. The next time she went swimming, she went to get her tube and it was flat. Why?
    it popped when she dragged it on the ground
  • MY BROTHER LIKES TO DRESS UP LIKE A PIRATE. He likes to play a lot of different games. He pretends the couch is his pirate ship and that he steals treasure. He also likes to play video games.
    He pretends the couch is his pirate ship and that he steals treasure.
  • Would you rather celebrate your birthday every month or celebrate your favorite holiday every month?
  • YOU SEE MANY ANIMALS AT THE ZOO. Elephants, tigers and monkeys are all animals you see at the zoo. I like going to the zoo. 
    Elephants, tigers and monkeys are all animals you see at the zoo.
  • Would you rather eat a whole lemon or put hand sanitizer on when you have a paper cut?
  • Use 2 sentences to describe this picture.
  • Your sister was gone for three days on a snowboarding trip. You missed her so bad. You woke up and saw her sitting on the couch. Her leg was propped up and had a big pink cast on it. What do you think happened?
    She broke her leg skiing.
  • I tried to DECEIVE my mother by printing my own report card. I was grounded for two months.
    trick, mislead
  • Would you rather go to the same good place for vacation every year or go to a new place for vacation every year?
  • IT IS SO HOT OUTSIDE. I hate when it is hot out. I need to jump in the pool to cool down. I will wear shorts outside so I don't get too hot. It is cold in the winter.
    I need to jump in the pool to cool down AND/OR I will wear shorts outside so I dont get too hot.
  • PICKLES ARE SO GOOD TO EAT. I like a lot of different foods. I like pizza and hamburgers a lot. I love pickles on a hamburger or just by themselves. I love pickles.
    I love pickles on a hamburger or just by themselves. AND I love pickles.
  • Use 2 sentences to describe this picture.
  • Ali's mom is having a baby and they dont know if its going to be a boy or a girl. Ali wants it to be a girl. You guys are playing outside when the phone rings. Ali goes inside and you watch through the window as she smiles and yells "YES!"
    Ali's mom had a baby girl!
  • Use 2 sentences to describe this picture.
  • She stood on the VERGE of the lake at the line where the water met the sand.
    edge, border
  • What are you most looking forward to after summer school is over?
  • What did you do for the 4th of July?
  • SHELLY AND JOEY PICKED STRAWBERRIES. They drove a long time in the car. They waited in traffic. I took them a long time to get there. They put many berries in their buckets.
    They put many berries in their buckets.
  • Use 2 sentences to describe this picture.
  • You went to school late because you had a dentist appointment. You showed up to your classroom and no one was there. Then you looked at the clock and saw it was around noon and then your tummy growled. Where do you think your class was?