
Amplify 2 Unit 5 review (Stop&Check)

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  • Free higher education has had/brought considerable benefits to the workforce.
  • Future Perfect or Continuous? "Before I die, I _____ all of the countries in Europe (visit)"
    will have visited
  • The new jobs in the city center will have a knock - on/out effect for local businesses.
  • Future Perfect or Continuous? "Terry is finishing teacher training this year so next year he _______ in a school (work)"
    will be working
  • The civil war had disastrous drawbacks/consequences for the population.
  • A criminal record can have serious/immense repercussions on your future.
  • Rewrite using "and" (double comparative): "Everyday it's easier to communicate with people abroad".
    It's getting easier and easier to communicate with people abroad.
  • Future Perfect or Continuous? "By the end of this course, you _______ how to use all the future tenses (learn)"
    will have learnt/learned
  • Use have/get something done: Hundreds of people / homes / destroy / the tornado / yesterday.
    Hundreds of people had their houses destroyed by the tornado yesterday.
  • Use have/get something done: I think you / should / hair / cut / really short.
    I think you should have/get your hair cut really short.
  • Use have/get something done: How often / you / car / repair ?
    How often do you have/get your car repaired?
  • Rewrite using "likely" (double comparative): "If you have more money, the likelihood of you being happy increases"
    The more money you have, the more likely you are to be happy.
  • Use have/get something done: you / ever / passport / steal ?
    Have you ever had your passport stolen?
  • Use have/get something done: residents / trash / remove / next week.
    Residents will have/get their trash removed next week.
  • Rewrite using "more" (double comparative): "The number of problems is linked to how stressed you are".
    The more problems you have, the more stressed you are.
  • Rewrite using "sooner" (double comparative): "If you change soon, things will get better".
    The sooner you change, the better things will get.
  • Rewrite using "more" (double comparative): "Facebook is becoming increasingly popular with old people"
    Facebook is becoming more and more popular with old people.
  • The excellent performance of the goalkeeper had a massive/gigantic impact on the result.
  • Future Perfect or Continuous? "After we win the tournament, we _______ at a Chinese restaurant (celebrate)"
    will be celebrating
  • The decision to change the policy had positive/considerable results last year.
  • Future Perfect or Continuous? "You're arriving at 11pm? I _____ the party long before that (leave)"
    will have left