
Reading and Use of English part 4 (game 9)

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  • I'll lend you my book if you take care of it. ( AFTER ) If you ________, you can borrow it.
    look after my book
  • He’s not very enthusiastic because he's tired. ( SO ) If _________, he’d be more enthusiastic.
    he wasn´t so tired
  • Although it was dangerous, she went swimming. ( THE ) In spite _________ she went swimming.
    of the danger
  • Sandra only goes to lessons because she wants to meet other students. ( ATTEND ) If Sandra didn’t want to meet other students, _________ lessons.
    she wouldn´t attend
  • We ate very late because Phil spent too much time preparing the meal. ( TIME ) Phil spent ________ preparing the meal that we ate very late.
    such a long time
  • She enjoys her job in spite of her low salary. ( EVEN ) She finds her job enjoyable ______ low.
    even though her salary is
  • I can’t tell you the answer because I don’t know it. ( WOULD ) If I _________ tell you.
    knew the answer I would
  • ‘I’ll phone when the concert finishes.’ ( CALL ) Martin said he ________ end of the concert.
    would call at the
  • ‘I’ve been asleep all afternoon.’ ( SPENT ) Helen admitted that _______ afternoon sleeping.
    she had spent the
  • Candice dialled your number by accident. ( MEAN ) Candice ________ your number.
    didn´t mean to dial
  • “Would it be possible to see a copy of the latest bus timetable, please?’ said Joan. ( COULD ) Joan asked ________ at a copy of the latest bus timetable.
    if she could look
  • Studying abroad will make you more independent. ( BECOME ) If you _________ become more independent.
    study abroad you will
  • I am absolutely sure we will win the match tomorrow. ( DOUBT ) There’s absolutely __________ mind that we will win the match tomorrow.
    no doubt in my
  • Although he fell ill, he went to work. ( DESPITE ) He went to work __________ well.
    despite not feeling
  • The theatre was full despite the high price of the tickets. ( EXPENSIVE ) Although _________ the theatre was full.
    it was expensive
  • He won't pass the test because he doesn’t work hard enough. ( HARDER ) If he worked _________ pass the test.
    harder, he would