
Rooms in the house

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  • Which room is it?
    It is a dinning room
  • Which room is it?
    It is a bedroom
  • Is there a garage?
  • How many bedrooms can you see?
    There are two bedrooms
  • How many living rooms?
    There is a living room
  • Where are they?
    in the kitchen
  • How many bedrooms can you see?
    There are 3 bedrooms
  • How many kitchens can you see?
    There is a kitchen
  • Which room is it?
    it is a bathroom
  • Name the rooms
    bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom.
  • How many bathrooms?
    There is a bathroom
  • Which room is it?
    It is a garage
  • Which room is it?
    It is a kitchen
  • Which room is it?
    it is a living room
  • Where is she?
    in the bedroom