
Board Game Challanges

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  • Pretend that Dorothy is a friend coming over. Show how you would start your hang out. 
  • You're in line at the fountain and someone pushes you out of the way and buts you.  Show me what you would do!
    Stay calm, Say: That was not nice, now I need to tell a teacher, Get a teacher/adult
  • You're at recess and someone says "Your shirt is ugly" what do you do? What do you say?
    Stay calm, short comeback, walk away
  • Its time for your friend to go home. What are 3 things you would do to end your hangout.
    Walk them to the door, thank them for coming, tell them you had fun, say bye
  • You're playing soccer at recess. Name 3 things you can do to show your sportsmanship
    Say things like good job, nice shot, share and take turns, don't coach/referee
  • You are having a friend over . What are 2 things you should do before they come to get ready.
    Clean your room, get activity options ready, call them and make sure they know the date and time
  • You tripped your friend while playing soccer. You're friend says "YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE"  How would you solve this disagreement?
    Say calm, listen to his side first, repeat what he said, explain your side, solve the problem