
Will - be going to - Present Continuous

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  • A: There is no coffee left. B:Oh. I ...................(get) some from the shop.
    will get
  • I ....................... (go) to Rome next weekend.
    am going to
  • I can't talk now. I ....................(phone) you later.
    will phone
  • I can't go the cinema this afternoon because I .......................... (see) the doctor at 4.00.
    am seeing
  • I am going to the dentist this evening. ......... you ......... (go) with me?
    Will / go
  • A: I told you to clean the bathroom. B: Sorry Mum, I forgot. I .................... (do) it after dinner.
    will do
  • Look at this big black cloud. I think it ........................... (rain).
    is going to rain
  • In the year 2050 everybody ................... (have) a computer.
    will have
  • These cars are going too fast. They ...................... (crash).
    are going to crash
  • In my opinion in the future cars ......................... (fly)
    will fly
  • A: Why don't we meet for coffee on Monday evening? B: Sorry, I can't. I ................. (see) my grandma then.
    am seeing
  • George and I ....................... (get) married next month. We would like to invite you to the wedding.
    are getting
  • Next month I ............................ (buy) a new smartphone.
    am going to buy
  • A: I can't twist the lid. B: Give it to me. I ................. (do) it.
    will do
  • Peter .................. (take) a plane tomorrow at 8.00 p.m.
    is taking
  • I have got my camera because I ..................... (take ) photos.
    am going to take
  • They are going to the beach because they......................... (sunbathe).
    are going to sunbathe
  • I think next year the prices ................... (be) higher than this year.
    will be
  • "Tomorrow it ............................. (be) a rainy day everywhere in Poland except Masovia and Lower Silesia"., said the weatherwoman.
    will be
  • A: This exercise is too difficult for me! B: Don't worry, I ..................... (help) you.
    will help