
Nonverbal Language

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  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Confused (head tilts; eyes squint)
  • How is this woman feeling? How do you know?
    Frustrated; upset; sick (hand on forehead, hand held out)
  • Tyler and Stephanie were playing outside. Stephanie wanted to play with the bear, but so did Tyler. They start arguing and rip the bear. Stephanie says, "Nice job!" Real or Sarcastic?
  • Real or Sarcastic? -----Jenna's computer crashed right before she was able to save her 5 page paper. She had spent all day writing it. Jenna says, "Great, cause I have time to write it all over again!"
  • What is the meaning of this sign ?
    Express love to someone.
  • How is he feeling? How do you know?
    Annoyed (he slaps his hand on his face)
  • Real or Sarcastic? ----- Kayla was meeting Demi after school ended to walk home. Demi is upset because she received an "F" on her test. Kayla says, "I'm sorry, that's too bad."
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Worried (puts hands on head, eyes open wide)
  • Why is this man closing his nose ?
    he smells something stinks
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Uninterested; bored (staring straight ahead, not smiling)
  • How is this woman feeling? How do you know?
    Annoyed (rolls her eyes)
  • How does she feel? How do you know?
    Mad; annoyed (shaking head "no", not smiling)
  • How is this woman feeling? How do you know?
    Surprised or excited (eye brows raised; eyes open wide)
  • How is she feeling? How do you know?
    Worried; nervous (hand near mouth; biting finger nails)
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Shocked; surprised (mouth and eyes open wide)
  • Real or Sarcastic? ----- Dan is writing his math problem on the board. He is having a hard time remembering how to do the problem. Dylan says, "Take your time, we're not waiting or anything."
  • What does he want ?
    Keep quite
  • How does he feel? How do you know?
    Angry (eye brows narrowed - moved closer together)
  • What is the meaning of this sign ?
    Peace sign / Victory sign
  • How does she feel? How do you know?
    Very happy; excited (clapping hands, mouth open wide)
  • How is he feeling? How do you know?
    Bored or tired (staring straight forward; not smiling)
  • How do they feel? How do you know?
    Proud; pleased (patting themselves on the back)
  • Why is this man touching his chin ?
    he is thinking / making sure about sth
  • How is this man feeling? How do you know?
    Disappointed; upset (puts his hands in the air; puts his head down)
  • Real or Sarcastic? ----- Claire is helping her dad clean the house before her mom comes home. She says, "Dad, I'm helping." Dad says, "Yes Claire, nice job!"