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  • Where do you go to borrow books?
    The library
  • Where do you go to buy medicine?
    The pharmacy
  • Where can you buy lots of different things in one place?
    A department store
  • Where do you go to fix your teeth?
    The dentist's
  • Where do you go to get a haircut?
    The hairdresser's
  • Where do you go to buy bread?
    The bakery
  • Where do you go to buy a newspaper?
    A newsstand
  • Where do you keep your money?
    A bank
  • Where do you go to buy clothes?
    The clothestore
  • Where do you go to buy meat?
    The butcher's
  • Where do you go to buy cheap food and clothes
    The market
  • Where do you go to buy books?
    A bookstore