
Comparing numbers

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  • Complete the chart
    23, 38, 27-23-38, 23, 38
  • Complete the chart
    20, 22, 24
  • Which number is greater?
    32 and 21
  • Complete the chart
    24, 32, 36
  • Complete the chart
    20, 32
  • Complete the chart
    Set B is less than Set A.
  • Complete the chart
    35, 9, 35-21-16-9
  • Complete the chart
    34 is the least. 39 is the greatest.
  • Which numbers are less?
    37, 15
  • Complete the chart
    28, 29, 32
  • Complete the chart
    13, 17
  • Complete the chart
    26, 39, 26, 24, 40
  • Complete the chart
    Set A is greater. Set A is greater than Set B.
  • Complete the chart
    teacher decides
  • Complete the chart
    34, 36, 40
  • Complete the chart
    teacher decides