
A Better Way - vocabulary

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  • conservation
    The opposite of being wasteful ; to save something
  • future
    what will happen tomorrow or sometime after that
  • sustain
    to keep someone or something alive or in existence
  • opinion
    what you believe about somethinig
  • method
    A way of doing something
  • alternative
    another choice
  • evidence
    supporting reasons for doing something or why something happens
  • farmer
    A person who tends to plants that can be eaten
  • section heading
    This tells what the section is about
  • crop
    A plant farmers grow
  • plow
    To dig up dirt to plant a seed
  • field
    Where a farmer plants seeds to grow
  • section
    The part a text is divided into
  • summarize
    To state the most important things in a passage
  • agriculture
  • harvest
    To produce something