
FCE and CAE speaking

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  • Describe a museum or art gallery that you have visited. You should say: • Where it is • Why you went there • What you particularly remember about the place
  • Discuss and compare two types of music style. (e.g. jazz or classical / folk or rock) You should say: • What are common themes or topics of the music • What instruments are commonly used • Your favourite songs or musicians
  • Who are you most like in your family ? You should discuss: • Appearance • Personality • Habits
  • Compare two countries, two cities or two areas of a town. You should talk about: • How they are different • Why they are different • Which you prefer
  • Describe an important moment in your life. You should say: • When it was • What happened • How you felt
  • Imagine a job you would like to do. • What the job involves • How you would get the job • What might happen during a typical day
  • What are the advantages or disadvantages of going on school/university field trips?. • Educational • Social • Financial
  • Describe a teacher that had a powerful effect on your education. You should: • Say what subject the teacher taught you • Describe the teacher’s personality • Explain what effect the teacher had on you
  • Why do people emigrate to a foreign country?. You should discuss: • Possible reasons to emigrate • Advantages of living in a foreign country • Disadvantages of living in a foreign country
  • What effect has modern living had on our environment? Discuss: • Various standards of living around the world • What we are doing to protect the environment • What will happen in the future
  • What steps are necessary for someone to have a good relationship with your parents or family?. You should discuss: • What to do when meeting them for the first time • What are some things that please them • What are some things that make th
  • Give reasons why the divorce rate has or hasn’t changed in your country. Discuss: • The main causes of divorce • Social factors that affect the divorce rate • The changing roles of men and women
  • You have to give a presentation about our planet to a visiting alien delegation. You should talk about: • Some basic features • Positive and negative characteristics of humans • How the earth can be improved
  • Would you prefer to work for a large or a small company? Discuss: • financial aspects • social aspects • job prospects
  • How does your grandparents’ childhood compare to your own? Discuss: • Education • Economics • At home
  • Describe a town or city you would like to visit. You should say: • Where it is • Compare it to your hometown • Say why you have chosen this place to visit
  • Compare the old generation with the young generation in your country. Discuss: • Similarities between them • Differences between them • The relationship between the two groups
  • Discuss whether there should be control over what we watch on TV. You should discuss: • Parental control of their children’s TV viewing • Government censorship of television content • Personal rights and freedom
  • What effect does tourism have on the environment in your country? • Politically • Socially • Naturally
  • Describe your current (or past) place of work or school. You should talk about: • Positive and negative aspects of it • Your overall opinion of it • Ways in which you think it could be improved
  • Describe a competition or contest that you have entered. You should say: • When the competition took place • Whatyouhadtodo • How well you did it
  • Describe a holiday or festival from your country. • Some background history of the event • How it is celebrated • How you feel about the holiday or festival