
Making Simple Questions

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  • live in / city
    Do you live in a city?
  • Have you got curly hair?
    Yes, I have. OR No, I haven't.
  • want to go to / beach
    Do you want to go to the beach?
  • have / got / bike
    Have you got a bike?
  • like / snails
    Do you like snails?
  • Have you got a pet?
    Yes, I have. OR No, I haven't.
  • Can you ride a bike?
    Yes, I can. OR No, I can't.
  • want to be / dentist
    Do you want to be a dentist?
  • Do you live in Ho Chi Minh City?
    Yes, I do. OR No, I don't.
  • Do you go to school at eight o'clock?
    Yes, I do. OR No, I don't.
  • have / got / long hair
    Have you got long hair?
  • Do you like cats?
    Yes, I do. OR No, I don't.
  • Have you got an older brother?
    Yes, I have. OR No, I haven't.
  • Can you drive a car?
    Yes, I can. OR No, I can't.
  • have / got / younger sister
    Have you got a younger sister?
  • wake up / six o'clock
    Do you wake up at six o'clock?
  • can / swim
    Can you swim?
  • put on / shirt / before breakfast
    Do you put on a shirt before breakfast?
  • can / play basketball?
    Can you play basketball?