
Environment language

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  • What does 'to take action on global warming' mean?
    to try to solve the problems related to global warming
  • What does 'to be biodegradable' mean?
    to be able to reduce itself to nothing organically.
  • What is the 'green movement'?
    all the organisations concerned with the protection of the environment
  • What are 'fossil fuels'?
    They're non-renewable energy sources like coal, gas, and oil.
  • What is 'habitat destruction'?
    the process that occurs when a natural habitat, like a forest or wetland, is changed so dramatically by humans that plants and animals which live there.
  • What are 'endangered species'?
    plants or animals that only exist in very small numbers, so that in future they may disappear forever
  • What is 'the greenhouse effect'?
    the natural process by which the sun warms the surface of the Earth
  • What are 'rising sea levels'?
    The effect of global warming melting the polar ice caps and increasing the volume of water in Earth's oceans.
  • What is a 'carbon footprint'?
    a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced by the daily activities of a company or person
  • What does 'to cut down on emissions' mean?
    to reduce the amount of gases sent out into the air
  • What does 'an ecological crisis' mean?
    an ecological crisis a serious situation that occurs when the environment of a species or a population changes in a way that destabilizes its continued survival
  • What does 'environmental degradation' mean?
    the process or fact of the environment becoming worse
  • What does 'environmentally friendly' mean?
    behavior or products that do not harm the environment
  • What are 'wind farms'?
    an area of land on which there are a lot of windmills or wind turbines for producing electricity
  • What does 'ozone layer depletion' mean?
    a steady decline in the total amount of ozone in the Earth's atmosphere
  • What are 'renewable energy sources'?
    These are energy sources that can never disappear, like wind, hydro, and solar.