
Clauses and Phrases Review

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  • Is this a phrase or a clause? over the hill
  • Is this a phrase or a clause? although she tried
  • What is the noun phrase in the sentence? The stunning French model was walking through the crowd.
    The stunning French model
  • What is the verb phrase in the sentence? Are those orange cats stalking their prey in the alley?
    are stalking
  • What is the verb phrase in the sentence? The big brown snake did slither through the grass.
    did slither
  • What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence? This crying baby will annoy me throughout the whole night!
    throughout the whole night
  • Give me a definition of a phrase.
    a group of words that is missing a subject, predicate, or both and is not a complete thought
  • Is this a phrase or a clause? pitched the ball to the batter
  • Identify the phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? At the animal shelter, we got our new puppy.
    at the animal shelter- adverb
  • Give me a definition of an adverb prepositional phrase.
    a group of words that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb and answers the questions "where?" or "when?"
  • Identify the phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? We went inside to eat dinner at dusk.
    at dusk- adverb
  • Is this a phrase or a clause? for the second time
  • What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence? The loud campers were yelling in their tents.
    in their tents
  • Identify the phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? Here's a gift for you to open.
    for you- adjective
  • What type of clause is this? so I decided to go to bed early
  • What type of clause is this? she completed her assignment
  • Is this a phrase or a clause? whenever she watched that movie
  • Give me a definition of an noun phrase.
    a group of words that gives more detail about a noun
  • What is the noun phrase in the sentence? Mr. Volkman's black shoes were squeaking in the gym.
    Mr. Volkman's black shoes
  • Give me a definition of a verb phrase.
    a group of words that has a main verb and a helping verb
  • Identify the phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? The sound of ringing bells filled the air.
    of ringing bells- adjective
  • What type of clause is this? i was tired after working all day
  • What type of clause is this? because she understood the material
  • Identify the phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? "Old Town Road" is the best song written in 2019.
    in 2019- adverb
  • Give me a definition of an independent clause.
    a group of words that has a subject and a predicate- it is a complete thought and can stand alone
  • Identify the phrase in the sentence. Is it an adjective or adverb phrase? During the day, the library is open to read.
    during the day- adverb
  • Give me a definition of an adjective prepositional phrase.
    a group of words that modifies a noun or pronoun and answers the question "which one?"
  • Give me a definition of a dependent clause.
    a group of words that has a subject and a predicate- it is not a complete thought and cannot stand alone
  • Give me a definition of a clause.
    a group of words that has a subject and a predicate- it may be a complete thought