
Contact Information

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  • Ms. Bryce’s address is 23 Main Street.
    What’s her address?
  • Burt / occupation
    What’s Burt’s occupation?
  • your colleague / last name
    What is your colleague’s last name?
  • ____ their names?
    What are
  • Fiona / address
    What’s Fiona’s address?
  • Tito and Eva / phone number
    What’s Tito and Eva’s phone number?
  • Mark is a doctor, and Brenda is a manager.
    What are their occupations?
  • ____ her occupation?
  • your friends / first names
    What are your friends’ fi rst names?
  • Mr. Lewis’s phone number is 555-2300.
    What’s his phone number?
  • ____ your two e-mail addresses?
    What are
  • ____ their phone number?
  • Our e-mail address is
    What’s our e-mail address?
  • Mrs. Harris is an architect.
    What’s her occupation?
  • ____ his first name?
  • ____ their last name?
  • ____ their occupations?
    What are
  • classmates / e-mail addresses
    What are your classmates’ e-mail addresses?
  • ____ my e-mail address?
  • My friend’s first names are Kay and Gil.
    What are their first names?