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  • What time is it?
  • Show us something pale green.
  • What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
    short + er
  • Show us something you use for skincare.
  • If five lions can catch five deer in five minutes, how long will it take one lion to catch one deer?
    five minutes
  • Do you think the COVID vaccine is safe?
  • After a train crashed, every single person died. Who survived?
    All of the couples
  • Show us something triangle.
  • There are two monkeys in front of a monkey, two monkeys behind a monkey and a monkey in the middle. How many monkeys are there?
    Three. Two monkeys are in front of the last monkey; the first monkey has two monkeys behind; one monkey is between the other two.
  • Who's your favourite person in school? Be honest.
  • Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain on Earth?
    Mount Everest. LOL
  • SAY THIS: "Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons—balancing them badly."
    Well done!
  • The day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Saturday. What day is it today?
    Friday. The “day before tomorrow” is today; “the day before two days after” is really one day after. So if “one day after today is Saturday,” then it must be Fr
  • Name four days of the week that start with the letter “t”?
    Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.
  • What two keys can’t open any door?
    A monkey and donkey
  • Show us a colourful liquid.
  • Someone's parents had 4 sons. North, East, West and?
  • Tell us a joke.
    Thanks! :)