
Dream Jobs

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  • I'm very hard-working. I love playing the violin.
    A musician
  • I am friendly and like to help people. I'm not afraid of flying.
    A flight attendant
  • I get on well with people and would like to sell things to them.
    A shop assistant
  • I think I'm very creative. I love making original clothes.
    A fashion designer
  • I'm very good at cooking and would like to work in my own restaurant.
    A chef
  • I want to work in court and defend people.
    A lawyer
  • I am tall and slim and people say I'm beautiful. I'm interested in fashion.
    A model
  • I think I'm quite brave. I want to rescue people from danger.
  • I make sure people have healthy teeth.
    A dentist
  • I am very interested in nature, especially how cells are built.
    A biologist
  • I love peace and quiet. I help people find books and information. Reading is my passion.
    A librarian
  • I want to patrol the streets and catch thieves.
    police officer
  • I believe I have a nice and clear voice and could work for television.
    A news reporter
  • I like running and I'm very fit. I'd like to be an Olympic champion one day.
    An athlete
  • I love organizing holidays, booking hotels and buying plane tickets.
    A travel agent
  • I'd like to work in a restaurant. I heard you can make a lot of money from tips.
    A waiter or waitress
  • I am very creative. I'd like to write something similar to the Harry Potter series.
    An author
  • I'd like to help sick people, I don't mind giving injections or working the night shift.
    A nurse
  • I get along well with people. I'm good at typing and I believe I'm well organized.
    A secretary