
Light and Shadows

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  • Why do transparent objects not make good shadows?
    They don't stop a lot of light.
  • What surfaces are better reflectors: rough or smooth?
    Smooth, like mirrors.
  • How do mirrors work?
    The light is reflected on their surface.
  • A wall is...
  • A glass is...
  • What happens to shadows made by the Sun during the day?
    They change direction and shape.
  • How do we see things?
    Light travels from a light source, bounces off an object and gets to our eyes.
  • Why is the Moon not a light source?
    Because it reflects the sunlight.
  • Name three natural light sources.
    Sun, stars, fire, etc.
  • What happens when light gets to an opaque object?
    If's blocked and forms a shadow.
  • Name the 3 things we need to make a shadow.
    Object, light source, screen (surface).
  • How can I change a shadow's size?
    Closer = bigger, far away=smaller