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  • The campsite is in a forest, so it's difficult to______________ it by car.
    sort/ reach
  • You have to__________ the black clothes from the white ones before you wash them
    separate / manage
  • _________send me some money, please?
    a Could you b Can you c Should you
  • Here you are. You can put the honey in this________________
  • We ________ have gone to the meeting with you last week. We were on holiday.
    may not / couldn't / might not
  • _________people have to do more to stop pollution.
    Ordinary / Ancient
  • Stop making _________ and help me wash the car!
    excuses/ habits
  • Caleb _________ not have bought a new bike - I saw him riding one in the park.
    should/must / might
  • That food _______________ have harmed my turtle, so I didn't give it any.
    can't / might /should
  • You ______ have finished your homework by now, James - it's midnight!
    might not / should/couldn't
  • You _________ have used those chemicals in your garden – they're harmful!
    mustn't / might not / shouldn't
  • _____he be an animal doctor?' 'No, he's my maths teacher!'
    a May b Must c Could
  • Can you get some__________when you're at the shop?
    light bulbs/recycling
  • They _ be home. All the lights are on.
    a don't have to b must c are able to
  • They told us not _______ the animals in the zoo.
    feed / to feed
  • _________________, they are going to talk about how bees help us.
    Firstly / Absolutely
  • I bought a big green bin yesterday. Now I _________. recycle my food waste.
    a. l can b. could c. am able to
  • The lights turn on ___________ when you walk into this room.
    definitely / automatically
  • That____ be Tim in that shop. He's in Paris.
    a can't b mustn't c shouldn't
  • I told my brother ________ a funny face.
    to make/make
  • _________________, no one was hurt in the accident.
    Obviously / Fortunately
  • You__________ put honey in tea, but you can.
    a. mustn't b. must c. don't have to
  • She________ have had driving lessons because she doesn't know how to drive
    can't / must / shouldn't