
Amazing English 1 revision

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  • S__________ live in the ocean and eat fish and other sea animals.
  • Walk slowly through the bamboo plants. Don't _______.
  • Polar _______ are usually white.
    turtles / bears
  • What did the fire brigade use to _____the fire?
    a. die b. put out
  • I hate this weather! When is the ice and snow ____going to ?
    a) melt b) wake
  • Lots of very old trees grow in this f________
  • How much does a horse ________?
    arrive / weigh
  • The bird's — is dirty, so I'm going to clean it.
    a.) temperature b) cage
  • What's that smell? Oh, no! I think it's s__________!
  • It's very —. Be careful you don't fall!
    a) sunny b) icy
  • Our world - _________ – is big and beautiful!
    the Earth/rainbow
  • Does the sun _____in the Arctic in the winter?
    a) shine b) move
  • |— early every morning to give my pet mouse food
    . a. get up b. look after
  • I don't want to be a fire ________ when I'm a grown-up.
  • It's a very _______ day. I can't see the sun.
    windy /cloudy
  • There was a terrible_________ in my town last year.
    fire / waterfall
  • Take your ________ because it's going to rain
    desert /umbrella
  • Did you ______ that sound? What was it?
  • It's a — day. Let's make a snowman!
    a) snowy b) rainy
  • This little p_______ goes to the village
  • ____ up the rabbit and bring it into the house.
    a) Hide b) Pick
  • ______ live in the water. They never come out of the ocean.
    Whales/ Seals
  • My pet is very quiet. It never makes a n_______.