
Grade 3: Lesson 3 and 4

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  • I'm in hot water.
    I'm in trouble.
  • outside It's cats and dogs today. raining
    It's raining cats and dogs outside today.
  • It's raining cats and dogs.
    It's raining a lot.
  • would red like a I for this bag refund
    I would like a refund for this red bag.
  • I would like a _______ for this bag.
    I would like a refund for this bag.
  • Which sentence has no mistakes?
    I'd like to exchange this bag.
    I'd like too exchange this bag.
    Id like to exchange this bag.
    I'd like to exchange this bag
  • I'd like to exchange this for a _________.
    I'd like to exchange for this for a blue backpack.
  • fingers I keep my will crossed for today. my mom
    I will keep my fingers crossed for my mom today.
  • Don't make a long face.
    I feel under the weather.
    Don't be sad.
    Break a leg.
  • Which sentence has no mistakes?
    I'd like to get a refund for these bag.
    I'd like to got a refund for this bag.
    I'd liked to get a refund for this bag.
    I'd like to get a refund for this bag.
  • You're pulling my leg.
    You are joking.
  • It's raining cats and dogs.
    I don't feel well.
    Break a leg.
    It's raining a lot.
    Good luck.
  • I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
    Good luck.
  • is pulling he leg my
    He is pulling my leg.
  • I feel under the weather.
    I don't feel well.
  • I'd like to ________ this money.
    I'd like to exchange this money.
  • better to like exchange this for a bag I'd
    I'd like to exchange this for a better bag.
  • Which sentence is correct?
    Lucy boght the cap as a gift?
    Lucy bought the cap as a gift?
    Lucy bougt the cap as a gift?
    Lucy booght the cap as a gift?
  • Can I exchange this swimsuit?
    No, you can't
  • Break a leg.
    Good luck.
  • Don't make a long face.
    Don't feel sad.
  • sick The man feels weather under the
    The sick man feels under the weather.
  • How do you spell ____________?
  • It's a piece of cake.
    It's easy.