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  • What territories did the Catholic Monarchs control?
    Castilla, Aragón, Granada, Navarra, the Canary Island, Melilla and some parts of Italy.
  • Name the Hapsburg Kings in Spain.
    Carlos I, Felipe II, Felipe III, Felipe IV and Carlos II.
  • What were the two artistic styles during the 16th and the 17th centuries?
    Renaissance and Baroque.
  • Who was known as 'the best Mayor of Madrid'?
    Carlos III.
  • What did Hernán Cortés conquer?
    He conquered Mexico.
  • Say 3 consequences of discoveries.
    Spain became a powerful empire, the Spanish brought gold, silver and new products,, the Spanish language and culture were taken to America, slavery and diseases
  • Name 2 important writers of the Golden Age in Spain.
    Cervantes, Lope de Vega and Tirso de Molina.
  • What's the name of the Institution that looked for people who weren't Catholics?
    The Spanish Inquisition.
  • Who was Christopher Columbus?
    He was a sailor who discovered America in 1492.
  • Who were the enemies of Spain during the reigns of Carlos I and Felipe II?
    France and the Turkish Empire.
  • When did Early-Modern Age start?
    It started in 1492, with the discovery of America.
  • Name 2 institutions created by Carlos III.
    The Prado Museum, the Botanical Garden and the Royal Astronomic Observatory.
  • Who was the winner of the Spanish War of Succession?
    Felipe V.
  • What did Francisco Pizarro conquer?
    He conquered Peru.
  • What was the Enlightenment?
    A new way of thinking in the 18th century, which was based on reason and logic.
  • Name two important painters of the Golden Age in Spain.
    El Greco, Velázquez and Murillo.
  • the Bourbon Kings in Spain.
    Felipe V, Fernando VI, Carlos III and Carlos IV.
  • When did Early Modern Age finish?
    It finished in 1789 with the French Revolution.
  • What happened when Carlos II died? Why?
    There was a war because Carlos II died without an heir.
  • Why didn't Spanish people like Carlos I?
    Because he wasn't born in Spain, he couldn't speak Spanish and he brought many nobles from Flanders to Spain.
  • Who was Juan Sebastian Elcano?
    He was the first person to sail around the world.
  • What were the most important characteristics of Felipe V's reign?
    He ruled with absolute power, he centralised the government and he divided Spain into provinces.
  • Name 2 Spanish explorers who conquered territories in America.
    Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro.