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  • The place where you register your arrival
    check-in desk/counter
  • I am checking in 3 luggages. Is this ok? Why?
    luggage and baggage: always in the singular
  • A ticket that allows you to change your flight date/destination with no penalty fee is a ...ticket
    Flexible ticket
  • The place where you pick up your bags
    baggage reclaim
  • I you give a passenger a lift you ...... them up.
    pick them up
  • The place where goods and baggage entering a country are inspected
    go through customs.
  • a wheeled cart pushed by hand and used for moving heavy items,
  • The place where you leave your bags
    bag drop
  • The date when a flight leaves is the OU _ _ _ _ _ _ date
    outbound date
  • If you leave someone in a place you...
    drop them off
  • A ticket only to go somewhere is a ..... ticket
    One way ticket 
  • You can ask for a window seat or a...
    aisle seat
  • A ticket to go somewhere and then come back is called a .... ticket
    return ticket