
Bible Unit 10 Review

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  • The word "gospel" means to go to church. (True or False)
  • John the Baptist told people how to get ready for .. (church or Jesus)
  • Telling others about Christ makes you one of these. ("fisher of men" or faithful)
    "fisher of men"
  • Paul was glad to tell others about Christ. (True or False)
  • Jesus said that because Mary honored Him with her special perfume, she would be .. (remembered or forgotten about)
  • He told king Herod that he had sinned. (Jesus or John the Baptist)
    John the Baptist
  • Who is described as "the way, the truth, and the life"? (Jesus or John the Baptist)
  • Name the 12 disciples
    Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, James, John, Bartholomew, Simon, Judas Iscariot, Andrew, Matthew, Peter, Philip, Thaddaeus
  • One of Christ´s disciples used to be an honest tax-collector. (True or False)
  • Jesus said that the poor widow gave.. (hardly anything or more than all of the rich men)
    more than all of the rich men.
  • The disciples collected 3 baskets of leftover food, after seventy people ate. (True or False)
  • A true friends tells others...(about Jesus or funny stories)
    about Jesus
  • God was pleased with Christ´s sacrifice. (True or False)
  • Some disciples left their jobs to be Christ´s disciples. (True or False)
  • Jesus is preparing a place in heaven for.. (everybody or every Christian)
    every Christian