
Articles or No Articles

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  • There isn’t ________ airport near _______ town where I live. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    an, the
  • My neighbour has _______ French name, but in fact she’s English. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
  • Brian usually has _______ omelette for lunch. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
  • Joanna eats _______ apple every morning.  ( a, an, the, some, no article )
  • We have ______ hour before we have to go back to _________ work. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    an - no article
  • George normally eats _______ meat for dinner. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    no article / some
  • ______ nearest airport is ______ 70 miles away. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    The - no article
  • Peter doesn’t like _________ milk in his tea. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    no article
  • It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in _______ garden. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
  • ‘Are you going away _______ next week?’ ‘No, _______ week after next.’ ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    no article - the
  • I like living in this house, but it’s _______ shame that ________ garden is so small. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    a - the
  • Gary has ________ part-time job. He works three mornings _______ week. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    a - a
  • Katie rarely has ________ biscuit with her coffee. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
  • Margaret never drinks ________ juice. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    no article
  • Chris has just got ______ job in ______ bank in ________ Zurich. ( a, an, the, some, no article )
    a, a, no article
  • Do you enjoy your work? Is it ________ interesting job? ( a, an, the, some, no article )