
Business Partner C1 2.1 Circular Economy Vocabul ...

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  • When we _______ __ something, we get rid of it.
    dispose of
  • supply or put something back into a process or situation where it was used before
    feed back into
  • consisting of separate parts or units which can be put together to form something, often in different combinations
  • save goods from a situation in which they have already been damaged or partially destroyed
  • planning for and thinking about the future in a positive way, especially by being willing to use modern methods or ideas
  • A _________ _______ is good for the economy because people want new products
    throwaway culture
  • In a ________ ________, manufacturers 'take, make and feed back' into the system
    circular economy
  • at or from the beginning of an event or process
    from the outset
  • One example of how a ____-_______ plastic is used is to repair a circuit which is not working
  • When someone ________ a new idea, it means that they eagerly accept it.
  • a product that can be sold to make a profit, especially one in its basic form before it has been used or changed in an industrial process
  • make a computer, machine or piece of software better and able to do more things, or to replace it with a newer model
  • the flow of waste materials from use by consumers or industry to their final disposal
    waste stream
  • _________ ______ save valuable contents used in electronic goods.
    Recycling Plants
  • An economy that ______ __________ will encourage companies to produce state-of-the-art products
    drives innovation
  • ________ metals are too valuable not to be reused