
A1.2 Comparative forms.

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  • Make 3 sentences
    Lake Baikal is the deepest. Lake Tanganyika is deeper than the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea isn’t as deep as Baikal or Tanganyika
  • Make 3 sentences
    Mount Everest is the highest. Mount McKinley is higher than Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Kilimanjaro isn’t as high as McKinley or Everest.
  • Make 3 sentences
    The Nile is the longest. The Amazon is longer than the Yangtze. The Yangtze isn’t as long as the Nile or the Amazon.
  • Make 3 sentences
    Veronica’s result is the best. Simon’s test result is better than Dan’s. Dan’s test result isn’t as good as Simon’s or Veronica’s.
  • Make 3 sentences
    Andy is the youngest. Linda is younger than Greg. Greg isn’t as young as Andy or Linda.
  • Make 3 sentences
    Hong Kong is the most popular city to visit. Bangkok is more popular than London. London isn’t as popular as Bangkok or Hong Kong.
  • Make 3 sentences
    Bianca’s car is the newest. Luke’s car is newer than Mark’s car. Mark’s car isn’t as new as Bianca’s or Luke’s.
  • Make 3 sentences
    The Vatican is the smallest. Monaco is smaller than San Marino. San Marino isn’t as small as Monaco or the Vatican.