
Think it or say it?

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  • Think it or say it! "I can't believe you don't know how to do that."
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "Your food smells weird."
    Think it!
  • Think it or say it? "Did you just pass gas?"
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "Your food looks tasty!"
    Say it!
  • Think it or say it? "We all have our differences!"
    Say it!
  • Think it or say it? "Your clothes look really dirty!"
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "I like Garfield comics too!"
    Say it!
  • Think it or say it? "That was dumb!" after your friend accidentally spills their water at lunch.
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "You will sit with him because you have white skin."
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "Your voice is funny!"
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "I don't really want to play that game right now. How about this one?"
    Say it!
  • Think it or say it? "I like your Pokemon shirt! Wanna be partners?"
    Say it!
  • Think it or say it? "Look, we both have blue shirts on today!"
    Say it!
  • Think it or say it? "You might know my friend Dave because you have the same color skin."
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "Your hair looks great today."
    Say it!
  • Think it or say it? "You walk funny".
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "You look different than I do."
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "Let me know if you need help on that math problem!"
    Say it!
  • Think it or say it? "You will be his partner because you both have brown skin"
    Think it.
  • Think it or say it? "No one likes to play that game."
    Think it.