
Reading and Use of English part 4 (game 7)

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  • ‘lf I were you Jane, I'd take an umbrella and a raincoat!´ said Annabel. ( ADVISED ) Annabel _________ an umbrella and a raincoat.
    advised Jane to take
  • The number of car-owners has risen over the past five years. ( RISE ) Over the past five years, there ________ in the number of car-owners.
    has been a rise
  • Mike’s father started the company that Mike now runs. ( SET ) The company that Mike now runs _________ his father.
    was set up by
  • Thomas would have gone to the meeting it he had not been so tired. ( TIRED ) Thomas was ________ to the meeting.
    too tired to go
  • We didn’t get a table at the restaurant because it was too full. ( SO ) The restaurant _________ we couldn't get a table.
    was so full that
  • The food was so hot that we didn't really enjoy it. ( TOO ) The food was __________ really enjoy it.
    too hot for us to
  • This is the best hotel We ever stayed in,’ my colleague said. ( NEVER ) `I´ve __________ hotel than this,’ my colleague said.
    never stayed in a better
  • Naomi said that she would never talk to anyone else about the matter. ( DISCUSS ) Naomi promised never ________ anyone else.
    to discuss the matter with
  • Nobody apart from my mother thought I Would win the race. ( PERSON ) My mother _________ thought I would win the race.
    was the only person who
  • The waitress spoke so quickly that we had difficulty understanding her. ( ENOUGH ) The waitress didn‘t speak _________ understand her easily.
    slowly enough for us to
  • I don't like Jim because he’s so mean. ( WHY ) Jim's meanness ________ I don't like him.
    is the reason why
  • He used a penknife to open the box. ( OPENED ) He ________ a penknife.
    opened the box with
  • The switchboard operator connected me to the manager. ( PUT ) The switchboard operator _________ the manager.
    put me through to
  • Being an airline employee, my girlfriend sometimes gets cheap flights. ( WORKS ) My girlfriend, ___________ employee, sometimes gets cheap flights.
    who works as an airline
  • There were very few people at the concert last night. ( CAME ) Hardly _________ the concert last night.
    anyone / anybody came to
  • ´Don't worry Mum, I can look after myself now I´m sixteen,’ said Peter. ( CARE ) Peter assured his mother that he could ________ now he was sixteen
    take care of himself_