
Passive Voice - Present Simple and Past Simple

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  • They don’t use their car very often.
    Their car isn't used very often.
  • Two cars _______ (damage) in an accident yesterday.
    were damaged
  • His clothes ____ (not wash) by his wife.
    aren't washed
  • John Lennon _________ (kill) in 1980 by Mark Chapman.
    was killed
  • Someone destroyed a very expensive painting at the museum last night.
    A very expensive painting was destroyed at the museum last night.
  • Thousands of sms messages ________ (send) every minute.
    are sent
  • Picasso painted this very colourful painting.
    This very colourful painting was painted by Picasso.
  • Tea ____(grow) in India.
    is grown
  • I’m sorry but they sold that laptop an hour ago.
    I'm sorry but that laptop was sold an hour ago.
  • My grandmother __ (take) to hospital last night.
    was taken
  • Radium and Polonium elements ______ (discover) by Maria Skłodowska – Curie
    were discovered
  • He doesn’t tidy his room at the weekend.
    His room isn't tidied at the weekend.
  • This restaurant ______ (open) every morning by its owner.
    is opened
  • Our tests _____ (check) within two weeks.
    are checked
  • Television _____ (not invent) by Marconi.
    wasn't invented
  • This computer downloads hundreds of files every second.
    Hundreds of files are downloaded by this computer every second.