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  • This is a statue of what famous fighter?
    Bruce Lee
  • Most of the Yokozuna (champion) sumo wrestlers in the last 20 years have been from which country? a. Japan b. Mongolia c. Korea d. China
    b. Mongolia
  • What is the name of this type of fighting from Japan? a. Judo b. Karate c. Shido d. Kendo
    d. Kendo
  • What is the name of this movie? a. Rambo b. Dragon Reborn c. Rocky d. The Boxer
    c. Rocky
  • In boxing, how many seconds do you have to stand up after you get knocked down? a. 5 seconds b. 10 seconds c. 15 seconds d. 20 seconds
    b. 10 seconds
  • Lucha Libre is from which country? a. Mexico b. Colombia c. Cuba d. Brazil
    a. Mexico
  • What is the name of this sport from Korea?
  • The most famous style of kung fu comes from what part of China? a. Shaolin b. Wuhan c. Taishan d. Fujian
    a. Shaolin
  • What is the name of this Olympic sport? a. Fencing b. Pirouette c. Shindo d. Posting
    a. Fencing
  • What is the name of this sport from the middle ages? a. Colors b. Jousting c. Vetting d. Minuet
    b. Jousting
  • Where is this fighting from?
  • Manny Pacquiao (on the right) is from which ASEAN country?
    The Philippines
  • What province in VN developed its own fighting style? a. Bình Định b. Hải Dương c. Quảng Trị d. Hồ Chí Minh City
    a. Bình Định
  • What type of fighting do they do in the UFC? a. Judo b. Mixed Martial Arts c. Muay Thai d. Vovinam
    b. Mixed Martial Arts
  • What is the name of this movie? a. Karate Man b. Kendo Man c. IP Man d. Dragon Man
    c. IP Man
  • What is the name of this sport from Vietnam?
    Võ Việt Nam
  • What is the name of this movie? a. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon b. Enter the Dragon c. Way of the Dragon d. Fist of Fury
    a. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  • What is the name of this movie starring Brad Pitt? a. Raging Bull b. Blade Runner c. The Undefeatable d. Fight Club
    d. Fight Club
  • What color is the highest level belt in Karate? a. Blue b. Red c. Yellow d. Black
    d. Black
  • How many rounds were there in the first boxing matches? a. 15 b. 12 c. 6 d. no limit
    d. no limit (knockouts only)
  • In what country did they find the first evidence of boxing? a. China b. Greece c. Iraq d. Egypt
    c. Iraq (5,000 years ago)
  • What was the name of this movie? a. Kung Fu Kid b. Karate Kid c. Judo Kid d. Taekwondo Kid
    b. Karate Kid
  • What is the name of this Kung Fu fighter?
    Jackie Chan
  • What is the name for the place where boxing take place? a. Boxing Square b. Boxing Fence c. Boxing Ring d. Boxing Pitch
    c. Boxing Ring