
Egzamin ósmoklasisty rózne zadania

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  • look ____ a kitty
    look after a kitty
  • Name 5 types of films / tv shows
  • come ___ with an idea
    come up with an idea
  • Let's meet _____ 2 o'clock.
    Let's meet at 2 o'clock.
  • Name 5 emotions/feelings
  • Name 5 money-related vocabulary.
  • Name 5 character traits.
  • keen ___ sport
    keen on sport
  • Name 5 jobs.
  • take ____ in a competition
    take part in a competition
  • Name 5 computer-related vocabulary.
  • Name 5 types of landscape.
  • I would like to...
  • give ___ (poddać się)
    give up