
at the zoo

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  • were there some tools?
    yes, there were tools\ no , there weren't tools
  • were there any dogs?
    no, there weren't
  • what did you see in the cave?
    I say a necklace
  • what did you have in your class last year?
    there was a board
  • was there some musical instruments?
    yes, there were some musical instruments
  • what is this?
    it's a fireplace
  • what animal is this
    it's a gorilla
  • which animal did you see?
    i saw a meerkat
  • what did you have in your class last year?
    there were shelves
  • was there a bowl?
    yes, there was a bowl
  • what did you have in your class last year?
    there was a clock in my class
  • was there a knife?
    yes, there was a knife
  • what is this?
    it's a zoo
  • what did you have in your class last year?
    there were students and teachers
  • what did you see ?
    I saw a sculpture