
Passive voice practice - present tense

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  • Maya and Theo write blogs.
    The blogs are written by Maya and Leo.
  • Say the passive form:Trees absorb carbon dioxide.
    Carbon dioxide is absorbed by trees.
  • Say the passive form: Aeroplanes produce three per cent of greenhouse gases.
    Three per cent of greenhouse gases are produced by aeroplanes.
  • Nigel produces the pictures.
    The pictures are produced by Nigel.
  • Say the passive form: Climate change produces extreme weather.
    Extreme weather is produced by climate change.
  • Say the passive form: Deforestation kills millions of animals.
    Millions of animals are killed by deforestation.
  • Ryan takes the photographs.
    The phothograps are taken by Ryan.
  • Say the passive form: The power stations burn fossil fuels.
    Fossil fuels are burnt by power stations.
  • Say the passive form: Power stations produce electricity.
    Electricity is produced by power stations.
  • Say the passive form: Farmers burn down the forests.
    The forests are burnt down by farmers.
  • Say the passive form: Greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat.
    The sun's heat is trapped by greenhouse gases.
  • Say the passive form: Satellites phothograph forest fires.
    Forest fires are phothographed by satellites.
  • Say the passive form: Forests make most of the world's rain.
    Most of the world's rain is made by forests.
  • Say the passive form: Cars release a lot of CO2.
    A lot of CO2 is released by cars.
  • Say the passive form: Lumberjacks cut down the trees.
    The trees are cut down by lumberjacks.
  • Oscar and Amy make the video clips.
    The video clips are made by Oscar and Amy.