
Library Time

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  • What is the alphabetic order of these authors? Shahan, Shang, Shan
    Shahan, Shan, Shang
  • What genre often has mythical creatures and imaginary realms?
  • Which two should be switched to put these in alphabetical order? Godwin, Goldblatt, Goelman
    Goldblatt and Goelman
  • Can you describe science fiction?
    Imagined stories based in scientific or social changes
  • How would you describe historical fiction?
    A story based in the past, involving real characters or real events
  • Describe a biography.
    A book written by one person about another person
  • Which of the following are available for checkout? books, Playaways, magazines, reference material
    All except reference materials
  • If I'm looking for book with a call number 541.7 Bur, would I look before or after 541.7 Ast?
  • Who is the library aid in the MS/HS library?
    Mrs. Strahota
  • What is your favorite genre?
  • Which of the following would NOT be reference materials? novel, encyclopoedia, world atlas, Ripley's Believe it OR Not
  • Please put these in the correct shelving order. 796.8 796.72 796.81 796.715
    796.715 796.72 796.8 796.81
  • Which of these authors would be first on the shelf? Appelt, Anderson, Anstey
  • What is the librarian's name in our district?
    Mrs. Rauls
  • How is non-fiction shelved in the library? By author or by call number?
    By call number, but then secondarily by author
  • How long can books be checked out in the Markesan District Libraries?
    2 weeks. Then they can be renewed
  • What's an autobiography?
    A book a person has written about himself or herself.
  • What is the alphabetic order of these authors? Crossley, Crowe, Creech
    Creech, Crossley, Crowe
  • Why is a mystery often called a "Who dunit"?
    The plot involves finding out who committed a crime
  • When you see a call number like this - 541.7 Bur, what does the Bur part stand for?
    the author's last name
  • How is fiction shelved in the library? By author or by call number?
    Alphabetical by author
  • How would you describe realistic fiction?
    a story that could occur to someone you know
  • Which of these 3 books would be first in order? 940.531 Ver, 940.54 Pr, 940.54 Bur
    940.531 Ver
  • Who is your favorite author?
    Absolutely right!