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  • It's important to look for a job that offers good (work/career/profession) opportunities.
  • We need to work ... who would be the best person to talk to the boss.
    work out
  • I ... worked ... about things too easily at work, especially if a customer is rude or difficult.
    get worked up
  • If the meeting is cancelled, we'll just have to work ... it and sort the problem out ourselves.
    work around
  • Things worked ... really ... for him after he moved abroad for his job.
    worked out well
  • I work ... at the gym three or four times a week during my lunch hour.
    work out
  • A good place to look for a job is through a(n) (work/profession/employment) agency.
  • People who work in the medical (profession/career/occupation) need complete dedication.
  • Helping people gives me a lot of (work/job/employment) satisfaction.
  • We finally worked ... how much tax we would have to pay.
    worked out
  • I expect there isn't much (job/work/career) security in counselling.
  • Until quite recently, engineering used to be seen as a male (employment/occupation/work).