
Tree Rings- Close Read 2nd/3rd Reading A to Z

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  • Thicker rings grow when it is
    drier (less rain)
    wetter (more rain)
  • True of False: A tree can live to be 5,000 years old!
  • Thinner tree rings grow when it is
    wetter (more rain)
    drier (less rain)
  • How long can trees live?
    a few years
    hundreds of years
    about 10 years
  • True or False: all trees grow rings
  • When do light tree rings grow?
    all year long
    spring and summer
    fall and winter
  • When do dark tree rings grow?
    spring and summer
    late summer and fall
    all year long
  • Which is true?
    Each year a light and dark ring grow in a tree?
    Only dark rings grow in trees.
    Only light rings grow in trees.
  • How can you tell how old a tree is?
    you can't tell
    Count its rings
    ask when it was planted
  • What can tree rings tell you?
    how cold or hot it was in year
    all of these!
    how much rain fell in a year
    how old a tree is