
Adverbs of frequency

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • She __________ (90%) _______ to bed at ten o'clock.
    usually; goes
  • We ___________ (100%) have fun.
  • I ____________ (80%) eat eggs for breakfast.
  • He __________ (0%) ____.
    never; cries
  • She __________ (100%) ________ her hands after school.
    always; washes
  • She __________ (60%) ________ the car.
    often; drives
  • We _________ (30%) g_ hiking in the mountains.
    sometimes; go
  • You __________ (100%) _____.
    always; smile
  • She _________ (0%) _________.
    never; laughs
  • He h_____ _____ (10%) w________ his clothes.
    hardly ever; washes
  • You __________ (30%) h______ coffee in the morning.
    sometimes; have
  • She __________ (20%) _____ her room.
    hardly ever; cleans/tidies
  • He h____ e___ (5%) ex_______.
    hardly ever exercises
  • I ____________ (100%) _____ my teeth in the morning.
    always; brush
  • He __________(0%) _____ a shower in the morning.
    never; takes/has
  • They _________ (85%) ___ dinner at half past seven.
    usually; eat/have
  • He _________ (60%) _______ food.
    often; cooks