
Heathier Me

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  • Play the piano instead of watching a movie
    Less screen time
  • Choose milk or water, not soda or juice.
    Eat the Rainbow
  • Set an alarm every hour. Do 10 jumping jacks every time it rings.
    Move Your Body
  • Talk to your parents, your teacher, and Mrs. Gibbs about Adult Programming after IATP.
    Plan for the Future
  • Set a goal: I will save my money to go to Disneyland next year.
    Plan for the future (set a goal)
  • Think about your dream job
    Plan for the future
  • Turn off your smartphone at 8:00PM. Read a book or draw a picture before you go to sleep.
    Less Screen Time
  • Say "thank you" to the mailman.
    Be kind
  • Make a banana and peanut butter smoothie
    Eat the RainBow
  • Go on a walk at the park
    Move Your Body
  • Every morning, look in the mirror and think about 1 positive thought: "I am a good student. I am a good friend. I am hard-working, funny, and smart!"
    Mirror Technique = Remember to Smile (positive attitude)
  • Your friend is feeling sad. Send her a text message and drop off flowers at her house.
    Be kind
  • Help your classmate with a grocery shopping worksheet.
    Be kind