
A2 (Revision of units 7A - 9D)

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  • Which preposition: to, on or none ( – ): a) go __ museums b) go __ diving c) go __ a boat trip
    a) to b) – c) on
  • Correct this question: What your friends are doing now?
    What are your friends doing now?
  • Say the positive and negative short answers: a) Is there a café? b) Are the children sleeping?
    a) Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. b) Yes, they are./No, they aren’t
  • Which preposition: to, on or none ( – ): a) go __ holiday b) go __ the beach c) go __ camping
    a) on b) to c) –
  • Say the verbs that mean the same as these phrases: go by plane, go by car, go by bike
    fly, drive, cycle
  • Correct this question: What do your parents doing at the moment?
    What are your parents doing at the moment?
  • Fill in the gaps with much or many: a) How ___ people are there in your family? b) How ___ furniture have you got?
    a) many b) much
  • Fill in the gaps with much or many: a How __ cats have you got? b How ___ food is there?
    a) many b) much
  • Spell the verb+ing forms of these verbs: write, study, stop
    writing, studying, stopping
  • Which of these nouns are always plural? jeans, shoes, socks, shorts, trousers
    jeans, shorts, trousers
  • In an office, say one thing you can: sign, answer, take
    sign a contract/letter; answer an email/a letter/a phone; take notes/a message
  • Correct this sentence: They don’t watch TV now.
    They aren’t watching TV now
  • Fill in the gaps with some or any: a) Are there __ hotels? b) I’ve got __ oranges.
    a) any b) some
  • Which of these words/phrases do we use with the Present Continuous: at the moment, usually, every week, today?
    at the moment, today
  • Do we use to do or doing after these verbs: would like, need, stop?
    would like to do, need to do, stop doing
  • Say the adverbs for these adjectives: beautiful, hard, fluent
    beautifully, hard, fluently
  • Correct this sentence: John’s going to the shops for buying some bread.
    John’s going to the shops to buy some bread.
  • Do we use to do or doing after these verbs: enjoy, want, decide?
    enjoy doing, want to do, decide to do
  • Say eight animals in 20 seconds
    lion, chicken, tiger, cow, monkey, sheep, wolf, rabbit, mouse, bird, etc.
  • Correct this sentence: The UK is more expensive Russia.
    The UK is more expensive than Russia
  • Say the adverbs for these adjectives: easy, bad, fast
    easily, badly, fast
  • What are the questions with do for these answers? a) She’s a doctor. b) She’s talking on the phone.
    a) What does she do? b) What’s she doing (now/at the moment)?
  • Say eight types of transport in 20 seconds.
    car, plane, train, taxi, bus, tram, bike, scooter, boat, motorbike, coach, ferry, etc
  • Say ten things that men and women wear in 20 seconds.
    trousers, shorts, jeans, shoes, jumper, trainers, jacket, hat, boots, shirt, socks, cap, T-shirt, etc
  • Say eight natural places in 20 seconds.
    mountain, hill, forest, wood, island, lake, river, sea, desert, countryside, etc
  • Say eight places in a town in 20 seconds.
    square, market, station, park, museum, theatre, cinema, hotel, café, shop, bar, pub, etc.
  • Fill in the gaps with some or any: a) There’s ___ milk. b) I haven’t got ____ coffee.
    a) some, b) any
  • Say eight shops in 20 seconds.
    chemist’s, butcher’s, bakers, post office, newsagent’s, bookshop, department store, bank, kiosk, clothes shop, shoe shop, etc.
  • Make the comparatives of these adjectives: happy, small, interesting, good
    happier, smaller, more interesting, better
  • Spell the verb+ing form of these verbs: play, sit, make
    playing, sitting, making
  • Make comparatives of these adjectives: crowded, noisy, expensive, bad
    more crowded, noisier, more expensive, worse
  • Say the positive and negative short answers: a) Is your sister working now? b) Are there any hotels?
    a) Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. b) Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
  • Correct this sentence: I went to London for to study English.
    I went to London to study English
  • Say five things you often have in a kitchen.
    cooker, sink, fridge, washing machine, cupboards, table, chairs, etc