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  • she ------------a letter to her brother last week
  • what is the capital of Scotland?
    It's Edinburgh
  • what is the past tense of write?
    it's wrote
  • they -----------------math with her last year.
  • Before I want to travel to another country, I must have a ------------- for my plane
  • how do we callan item of essential value , to remember a place or an event?
    it's a souvenir
  • how do we call a short journey?
    it's a trip or an excursion
  • what is the past tense of do?
    It's did
  • how do we call someone from spain?
    He is spanish
  • what is the past tense of ring?
    it's rang
  • what is the past tense of understand?
    It's understood
  • i am from England, I am an-----------
  • what is the past tense of teach?
    it's taught
  • sow do we call someone from France?
    He is a French
  • what is the past tense of sing?
    it's sang
  • what is the past tense of speak?
    It's spoke
  • what is the past tense of dance?
    it's danced
  • Before i travel to another city for holidays, I need to -----------a room
    reserve or book
  • how do we call a person who travels to other countries or place for just to see things orpleasure?
    He is called a tourist
  • how do we call this and where is it found?
    it's the Eiffel- tower in France
  • how do we call an official document normally used for international journeys , which proves identity and nationality and has a person's picture?
    it's a passport