
BP4 U2 Key Vocabulary

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  • 头奖/第一名
    first prize [fɜːst] [praɪz]
  • 每周一次
    weekly ['wiːklɪ]
  • 洗车
    wash the car
  • 花园/做园艺
    garden ['gɑːd(ə)n]
  • 多长时间一次
    how often [haʊ] ['ɒf(tə)n]
  • 在周末
    on weekends [ɒn] [,wiːk'endz]
  • 做晚饭
    cook dinner [kʊk] ['dɪnə]
  • year [jɪə]
  • 时间表/行程
  • 科学展览/科技竞赛
    science fair ['saɪəns] [feə]
  • 练习足球
    practice soccer ['præktɪs] ['sɒkə]
  • 下国际象棋
    play chess [tʃes]
  • 和(姐妹)呆在一起
    stay with(sister)
  • 邻居
    neighbor ['neɪbə]
  • 声音
    voice [vɔɪs]
  • 骑踏板车/滑滑板车
    ride scooters [raɪd] ['skuːtəs]
  • 技巧/把戏
    trick [trɪk]
  • 古典音乐
    classical music ['klæsɪk(ə)l] ['mjuːzɪk]
  • 给植物浇水
    water the plants
  • 通常
    usually [ˈjuːʒʊəlɪ]
  • month [mʌnθ]
  • 合唱团
    singing group ['sɪŋɪŋ] [gruːp]
  • 制作首饰
    make jewelry [meɪk] ['dʒuːəlrɪ]
  • 好奇
    curious ['kjʊərɪəs]
  • 收集(体育)图片/卡片
    collect (sports) cards [kə'lekt] [spɔːts] [kɑ:dz]
  • 扫地
    sweep the floor [swiːp] [flɔː]
  • 每(次)
    every ['evrɪ]
  • 好事/善事
    good deed [diːd]
  • 乡村音乐
    country music ['kʌntrɪ] 
  • 有时
    sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz]
  • 常常
  • 收拾餐具
    put away the dishes [ə'weɪ]
  • 上舞蹈课
    take dance lessons [teɪk] [dɑːns] [ˈlesnz]
  • 总是
    always [ˈɔ:lweɪz]
  • 两次
    twice [twaɪs]
  • 整理床铺
    make one’s bed
  • 闲暇时间
    free time [friː] [taɪm]
  • 倒垃圾
    take out the garbage ['gɑːbɪdʒ]
  • 食堂/自助餐厅
    cafeteria [kæfɪ'tɪərɪə]
  • 三次
    thrice [θraɪs]
  • 摇滚乐
    rock and roll [rɒk] [rəʊl]
  • 工作日
    weekday ['wiːkdeɪ] 
  • 一次
    once [wʌns]
  • 打鼓
    play the drums [drʌmz]
  • 从不
    never ['nevə]
  • 打球
    play ball [pleɪ] [bɔːl]
  • 洗餐具
    wash dishes ['diʃiz]
  • 一周三次
    three times a week
  • 烤牛肉
    roast beef [rəʊst] [biːf]
  • 买食物
    shop for food
  • 排满的行程
    full schedule [fʊl] [ˈskedʒʊl] 
  • 喂鱼
    feed the fish [fiːd] [ðə] [fɪʃ]
  • 周末
    weekend [ˈwikend]
  • 一年两次
    twice a year
  • 下午
    afternoon [ɑːftə'nuːn]
  • 星期/周
  • 花费时间
    spend time [spend]
  • 每月一次
    once a month
  • 俱乐部
    club [klʌb]
  • 打扫房间
    clean one’s room [kliːn] [ruːm]
  • 音调/音色
    tone [təʊn]
  • 吹笛子
    play the flute [fluːt]