
Circle Questions

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  • What is something that made you feel happy today?
  • Do you want to be famous when you grow up?
  • A sport I like to play or watch is...
  • The class that is the hardest for me is...
  • The person in my life that makes me feel important is...
  • A tool that works for me when I am in the yellow zone is...
  • Something that frustrates me is when...
  • I know I'm special because I...
  • Would you like to have a pet dinosaur?
  • If you saw someone bullying someone else, what would you do?
  • If I could be any animal I would be a ... because ...
  • Name one thing that makes you a good friend.
  • When I get a bad grade on a test I feel...
  • What is your favorite game and why?
  • The thing I'm most proud of is...
  • What would you like to forget about today?
  • I am in the blue zone when...
  • What is the best part of your day?
  • If I had a superpower it would be...
  • What was the hardest part of your day?
  • What do you like most about yourself?
  • Something that angers me is when...
  • My favorite movie is.... because...
  • Something I look forward to is...
  • If you could make one rule that everyone in the world would have to follow, what would it be?
  • What is something funny that happened to you?
  • Something that puts me in the yellow zone is when...
  • When I get a good grade on my test, I feel...
  • What is something you are grateful for today?
  • Which class do you like to participate in the most and why?
  • What would you teach about if you were the teacher?
  • What has been a hard lesson for you to learn about life?
  • What did you eat for breakfast or lunch today?
  • Something that makes me stressed is when...
  • I am good at...
  • What is something nice you have done for someone else?
  • For breakfast I ate...
  • The class that is the easiest for me is...
  • If you were invisible for one day, what would you do?
  • What's something a teacher said to you today?